Coffee vs. Tea: Which One Is Healthier?

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A question we get asked a lot is, "What's healthier, coffee or tea?". And the truth is, there's no one-size-fits-all answer.

We are definitely not physicians, so at the end of the day you should consult your doctor about what's right for you. However, we've done a ton of research on the topic -- here's what we found out.

Pros of tea:

In a previous blog, we waxed poetic about the health benefits of drinking tea. We talked about how tea drinkers have more functional hearts and livers than those who don't consume tea. Recent studies have also shown that tea lovers have higher bone density levels than coffee drinkers.

Tea drinkers also have the added benefit of a "lower biological age", and some researchers argue that tea even has anti-aging properties. Pretty impressive, right?

Cons of tea:

Most teas have tannins, which is a type of antioxidant that gives tea its astringent flavor and interferes with the absorption iron from plant-based foods. In one study, drinking tea with a meal resulted in a 62% reduction in iron absorption compared to just 35% for coffee.

Lastly, if you're sensitive to caffeine you may want to consider limiting your tea consumption -- it's worth noting that a cup of black tea contains 14-70 mg of caffeine, green tea has 24-45 mg, and coffee has anywhere from 95-200 mg in a cup.

Pros of Coffee:

A recent Harvard study found that those who drink three to five cups of coffee a day may be less likely to die prematurely from some diseases than non-drinkers. Studies also show that regular coffee consumption can lower your risk of liver disease, Alzheimer's disease and Dementia.

According to this study, adult coffee drinkers may are also 50% less likely to commit suicide. Pretty cool!

Cons of Coffee:

Coffee is more acidic than tea, so if you're prone to digestive issues you may want to stick with water. Coffee is also more caffeinated than tea, so if you're sensitive to caffeine or have high blood pressure, you should limit your intake.

Coffee itself isn't "unhealthy", it's the other things people add to their cup of Joe. Cream, sugar, syrups, and whipped cream can turn your daily cup of coffee into a calorie-laden milkshake, so drinking your coffee black or reducing the amount of condiments you add will make your drink healthier.