Our Guide to a Stress-free Morning Routine

Reading time: 2 minutes

Before we can have a productive day at home or at work, we need a productive morning routine to get us started. Sure, some of us can’t plan our hectic mornings as much as the POTUS, but little improvements make a huge difference when getting ready. It’s all about preparation. We’ve compiled a short list to turn your mornings from groggy and slow to high-energy and ready for the day ahead.

  1. Prepare the night before. Scrambling for your clothes, computer, and work items in the morning is a waste of your valuable and short morning light. Pack your bag or purse for work the night before and try to lay out your clothes the night before. No more frantic searching, check.
  2. Make the switch from that buzzing alarm to your favorite top-hit. Do you hate hearing that blaring alarm every morning? Start your morning by singing along to your favorite song. We won’t judge whether it’s Ed Sheeran or Tom Petty… so long as you choose Tom Petty. Remember, always set that obnoxious alarm as a backup!
  3. Let in sunlight. Our bodies chemically adjust to sunlight to make us less tired and more wakeful. You might know what time it is, but your body may need to adjust its internal clock. Tip: this is also a good way to perk up during the mid-afternoon slump!
  4. Drink some waterand coffee. You’re always dehydrated when you wake up, so fuel yourself with a tall glass of water and fresh brew to kick-start your AM. Timed coffee brewers are also a worthy investment to keep you on schedule and out the door ASAP.
  5. Get moving. Your morning activity doesn’t always have to be exercise, but moving around definitely gets your blood pumping and muscles active. Even if it’s a short walk, chasing the kids around the house, or walking the dog around the street, your body’s been resting and needs a spark.
  6. Follow a timed playlist. Yeah, you should set alarms in time increments to make sure you’re on schedule in the morning, but where’s the fun in that? Make a playlist with a set order so you’ll know when to be where and if you’re on track (heh, get it?).
  7. Multitask. Make the most of your time by trying to consolidate tasks. For example, you could brush your teeth while you’re still in the shower, but that’s just one of our team's recommendations. 
  8. Prepare meals at the beginning of the week. If you’re still preparing breakfast and lunch every morning, you’re using a significant amount of precious AM time! Prepare lunches the Saturday or Sunday before the week gets started so literally all you have to do is grab and go! 

Even if you adopt a couple of these tips to your daily routine, you will notice a difference to your mornings. With a little less stress and a little more happy, you can start the day off right with the right habits in place. Do you have any routine hacks that save you time in the AM? Let us know by tweeting @royalcup!